
Here I will list all the people that helped me make this page possible by content, peer review, sponsorship, or other support.

Group Support:

Tokyo Radiation Levels on Facebook
This amazing community is full of helpful knowledgeable people. They are more than happy to inform you or tell you where you can get the information you are looking for.  They are an amazingly helpful group of people and I highly recommend you like the page. 

Tokyo Kids & Radiation facebook/Tokyo Kids & Radiation Website
The producer and head of this group and website David Moore has worked tirelessly to provide radiation information to concerned families and people living in and coming to Japan. I can't say enough good things about this amazing philanthropist.  Please like his Facebook page and visit his website.

Content critique and suggestions:
Antonio Portela: For helping me keep my writing and information relevant and factual.
Daniel Lyttelton: For helping me keep my writing and information relevant and factual and for being a fantastic source of suggestions for change.

Website design:
Kevin Egan: for helping me make my website easier on the eyes.

Moral Support:
all of these people helped me gain and continue the desire to make this website a success. Thank you for your support!

Mohammed Y. Badri
Jill Sylvan

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